My Mission- My Passion
Found my mission, got myself on track, trying to get my loved ones on track. Take care of yourself, teach others to take care of themselves and see what’s out there waiting. We only live once, but once is enough if we do it right.
Battling severe allergies and no access to any restaurants I came up with this fitness, recipes website (www.redefiningtastebuds.com ) on 23 July 2015.
With passion, hard work, fitness education and above all with the help of SQUATS, I have fixed myself significantly (no use of Epipen/emergency visits in 2 years). Yes, I am work in progress.
This idea has been a long time coming and I’m so grateful to God that the day is finally here! Yes finally the day has come! We are so excited about this. Here’s to a new beginning and a wonderful journey for Redefining Taste Buds. To continue with this venture, turning this passion into my fulltime job- Helping people to become fit, healthy, burst food myths, & educate them. Help preparing diet charts and cooking quantified nutrition based on their needs.
Today, doing the soft launch of my quantified nutrition. Delivered first set of the complete organic meal with proper macros distribution of carbs, Protein, fats, dressing, and sandwiches this morning.
Everything is organic and made from scratch including salad dressings, beans, quinoa and other ingredients. Nothing is processed.
The boxes and cutlery I am using is Miscanthus grass Fiber Clamshells. They are the perfect, eco-friendly alternative to Styrofoam and other plastic alternatives. Spoons and forks are biodegradable Compostable Wooden.
My goal now is to help myself & people around the globe to become fit, healthy, burst food myths, & educate them. Will highly appreciate your comments, your insight, and your support
Stay tuned for more updates!