I am not sure how many of you  struggle and mess up with the cling plastic wrap or Aluminum foil in the kitchen. It seems to stick to itself before you can get it over the food you are trying to cover. Sometimes even if you get it right, it resists to stick on the container.  I was once among the victim of this clingy wraps but no more. Here are tips:

  1. On the box of both (Aluminum foil and cling film) there are tabs to hold the roll in place. Punch in the tabs on the side to lock the rolls. It will help to keep the roll in place. It also makes sure that the sharp edge aligns with the wrap once you pull it out.
  2. You can also place the cling film in the freezer. This will reduce this issue of sticking together. It is easier to pull out.
  3. Sometimes the plastic wrap doesn’t seem to stick to the container we want to seal. When that happens, wet your fingers and then wipe them on the underside of the plastic wrap. The plastic wrap sticks to the bowl. The reason is- wrap becomes sticky when it comes into contact with water, making easier to lock the containers.

Hope it helps.

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