Kitchenmade- Lemony Body Scrub

I am in love with myself and my kitchen and can’t help exploring. Have recently started to use my kitchen  to make natural beauty products. Besides being fun activity, it saves a ton of money and the the
satisfaction you feel is quite rewarding. Lets make a body scrub today.

1 Cup Coconut Oil
3/4 Cup Epsom Salt
1 tablespoon Honey (optional)
15-20 drops of Fresh Lemon Juice or drops of Essential Oil (mainly for fragrance purposes)
If you don’t want to add essential oil you do not have to, You can get already flavored Epsom salt at the
store which will add fragrance as well!

Method and benefits:
Mix everything together in a glass or plastic jar.

Lemon: Natural astringent that tightens pores

Coconut Oil :Coconut oil helps to make your skin feel softer. Its nutrient content nourishes your skin deep  down. It has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties too that reduces the risk of infections

Epsom Salt: Panacea for pains, can soothe the body, relaxes the nervous system, soothes back pain, and
eases muscle strain and above all draws toxins from the body.

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