Client Gut Health transformation
Health is more than just the numbers on a weighing scale.
Your gut health can have a MAJOR impact on your day-to-day and overall health and wellness goals. Your second brain (in charge of the digestive process) can communicate with your big brain! Our client from Sydney Australia who wished to remain anonymous but still had shared her success story to share.
As shared Verbatim
You can’t expect a new result if you keep doing the same thing. This saying is true for me.
At the start of every year I would write my resolutions and one resolution is always there i.e. Become fit and healthy or lose weight.
This year also, resolution is same, what has changed is I have a mentor guiding me. When I connected with Samta ji I wanted to
feel healthy and light, I had gut issues like bloating, acid reflux and yes unhealthy accumulated fat.
I knew nutrition and workout is the best way to fix majority of our health issues. Samta ji very kindly listened to my concerns
and prepared a diet plan for me. In first week itself I started to feel changes to my waistline, bloating disappeared and my skin felt softer.
She included everything in my diet plan that I can’t go without. Initially it was hard for me to plan meals as it was quantified,
but she helped me with meal planning and shared yummy recipes which I still relish. She included light workout in my plan which
I could do at home.
Though I wasn’t regular with my workouts, but I completely followed my diet plan.
In last 8 weeks, I lost 4 inches and 3 lbs. I feel light and active and most important I take ownership of my actions which impact my body.
My clothes fit me comfortably, it is such a great feeling. Samta ji showed me it is possible to feel light without losing pounds
End of the day it is YOU Vs YOU, so be the best version of yourself.
She busted my myth that only way to feel light is by losing weight. I am enjoying all types of foods, only my habits have changed.
Earlier if I was hungry I would pick up a cookie or a packet of chips, now I pick banana or cucumber, moreover my tummy doesn’t feel good
if I eat unhealthy food
I have started my fitness journey and I am thankful to Samta ji for guiding me and leading by #fitwithrtb#redefinigtastebuds#healtheworld#mompreneur#RTBFerments.