Carom seeds (Celery or Ajwain) – A remedy for infinite ailments


This is a must have ingredients in our kitchen. There are loads of benefits of these tiny cute miraculous
seeds. Few of them are-

Few of the tried and tested benefits:

  • Seeds are good in removing of kidney stone.(carom seeds +honey + apple cider vinegar)
  • Helps in curing of colic, muscle spasms, and cramps.
  • Also used as laxative.
  • Gargling the carom seeds water is helps in relieving  of tooth pain.
  • Helps in cutting of craving for alcohol.

Here is a simple recipe that aids in digestion, nausea, stomach pain, gastric when you travel, go hiking, long drives and many more. Make it and keep in handy in your cars, office bags.

I bought these from

Organic Carom seeds


  • carom seeds- 200gms
  • Black salt -1/2 teaspoon
  • Lemon juice- 2-3 lemons or adequate Amount as per your taste-buds for sourness


1. Take a pan. Heat it over medium heat.
2. Pour the carom seeds and keep roasting till they get fragrant. It takes around 3 to 4 mins. You can avoid toasting if you like it raw.
3. Switch off the gas.
4. Squeeze in lemon juice. ( This will be the first step in case you are not toasting)
5. Spread it out in a plate and let it dry.
6. Add the rock salt to it and mix well. Store in a glass container. This can be used for an year if nicely dried.

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